Monday, November 20, 2006

c'mom little Doggie, Yee Haw!
Dave and I couldn't really figure out what he was dreaming here...what do you think?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hey everybody. I know its has been awhile since we have but any pictures on the blog, but we do have a new video at just type in and you will see our sweet little boy smiling it up, theres alittle crying in there but what baby doesnt do that every now and again.

Just alittle update on how our wonderful son is sleeping.... for the past 3 day's he has had 6-7 hour long sleeps. so from 7pm-3am or 8pm-2am. We are so excited that we only have to get up once during the night for the first time in 2 months- for dave. its more like 11 months for me.(the bladder thing really bites when you're pregnent.) anyway we are so happy we are all getting a little more sleep!

thanks for taking the time in caleb.

Amber and Dave

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mom got so excited about the first snow fall of the year that actually left some on the ground. Unfortunately, by the time Caleb got all suited up the snow had melted, and mom didn't feel like playing in the mud.
But hey, he looks good though, eh?
Rubber ducky, you're the one, you make bathtime so much fun...
Flying around, standing up for justice, truth and ... candy. Caleb's first halloween was definately super...

although, a little exhausting. We never made it out of the house, cause "Sup" fell fast asleep and never looked back.