Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hello everybody. I know that we have been putting pictures up of Caleb, but other then that we haven’t been letting you know what he had been up to. So I thought that I would write to you all and let you know. Umm where to start? Well he's almost 10 months old and that is so hard to believe, it feels like it was just a couple of months ago now, that is until I look around and see how much he's getting into now a days. Caleb is crawling like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He's standing and pulling himself up on furniture or anything that is slightly off the ground. He's walking along that furniture. And if there's stairs around look out he's up them in know time at all.

He has 6 teeth. And I think two more are coming in. (he's a little cranking today) His hair is finally coming back in although it's blond so I think that I’m the only one that can tell. And just "talks" non-stop.

He’s always chasing Gimli although Gimli Hides a lot from him right know, the whole hair-pulling think keeps him at bay. Although he does seem to come around when he's eating.

As most of you know already He just loves being in the water wither its his bath or the little pool we have for him in the back yard or the Pool at the wellness center that we go to every Monday. He’s a little fish. He just gets all excited whenever there is water around. He doesn’t mind being dunked under either. Which is nice I always say it's better to get them use to it early that trying and get them to enjoy it later.

Anyway Caleb is also eating everything and anything you put in front of him. His favorite food I would have to say would be any kind of fruit. He’s not sold out on meat to daddy's dismay. But he'll get there I’m sure. His favorite treat right now would have to cheerios and apple juice.

He is a wonderful sleeper. On a normal day Caleb has between 2 and 3 napes. Each 2 to 3 hours long. And He goes to bed around 6:30 and sleeps right through to 6 or 6:30. I can’t help but say how wonderful this child is of ours. And I have to tell you how happy he is as well he has a very relaxed temperament the only real time that he cries is to let us know something...like he’s hungry, tired and needs a bum change. But other than that he's usually happy. But don’t get me wrong we have had a couple of bad days with him but I can also count them on my hand. Well anyway that is what is new with Caleb thanks for taking the time to check in.

Amber and Dave.

Friday, June 15, 2007

you cant tell but this is caleb and his first camping trip

This was taken today he's looking around me trying to see Fragel Rock.

Caleb in his pool.