Friday, February 08, 2008

Wow I can't believe it is already February and Caleb is now 17 months old. Well I guess there is two reasons as to why I am publishing this post the first is because my sister is pestering me to put up new pictures of Caleb. And the second is to let everyone know that Dave and I are going to be having another child sometime in July, 2008. we are very excited. But here is the number one reason as to this blog.


Anonymous said...

These are great pics! Amber you look great on the plane, Caleb you look a little out of it. I love you guys, and I can't wait to meet your next little one!

The Matthews Family (Est. 2003) said...

WOW!!! Caleb is so big!!! I can't believe that he's already 17 months!! Where does time go? And Congratulations on your new pregnancy!! I hope everything goes well!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY,baby number 2. Congratulations Amber and Dave.
Keep us posted....and Katie, Keep bugging her to keep us all posted :-)
Hey, you guys on facebook?
Mary Ann