Friday, August 01, 2008

Hello everyone I am so excited to tell you that our FREE new deck is complete. For those of you who don't know Dave and I entered a contest called "your decks a wreck" sponsored by Thompson's Water Seal, and we WON!!! So last weekend they called us to let us know and by Wednesday night they were finished. On Thursday we were on t.v.- so they could present us with our prize. Which included... the deck of course as well as a brand new BBQ, they made us lunch (Stuffed pork chops, Asparagus, and potatoes.) Four free stakes, and a Milwaukee tool set. We have been very blessed. For those of you who don't know what our old deck looks like there should be pictures below.


Katie Kerr said...

Amber the deck looks awesome, I can't wait to see it in real life! Less than two weeks now. . . we love you guys!

Jeff Kerr said...

Wow!! The new deck looks great! Can't wait to come see it (and you guys) in a few weeks! Wooo!