Monday, July 24, 2006

A fellow prego looked at Amber incredulously yesterday. While it was true that we didn't have a hospital bag packed yet, we thought it was hardly a reason for such dramatics. It certainly does sink in a bit, when you pack your bag for the big day, b/c you kind of have to admit to yourself, that while the big day is still a bit off according to the schedule, we're preparing for the fact that it really, truly, holy crap it might be tomorrow. Of course we hope for full term, and yet still plan for LCMASDES to shake things up a bit. The realization that we packed clothes for LCMASDES for the first, but the first of many times was a little surreal. Up to this point, he's always been happy to wear nothing but his mother, who also serves as an excellent punching bag. Very convenient young lady.

Also a bit disconcerting, according to the "books" we should install the car seat a month before the birth. I'll be darned if that's not next week already. Oy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!!
I still can't believe how quickly this is all happening! I am SO excited for you two. I can't wait to meet my new favourite. :) I'm really sad that I won't be able to be there with you guys to help you move and to congratulate you on the big day. You know that you guys are always in my thoughts and prayers and I miss you both terribly! I love you guys!