Tuesday, July 11, 2006

So, we wanted to establish an easy way for you (our loved friends and family) from anywhere you may or may not be (St. Louis, South Korea, New Zealand, the Dominican, just pulling things out of my hat) on this crazy planet to keep on top of the growth of THE BABY. (Henceforward to be referred to as the "life changing, mind altering, sacrifice demanding, energy sucker: LCMASDES for short) Please forgive the first few pictures of LCMASDES, as he is hidden within his maternal unit. Also please forgive the assumption that LCMASDES is a he, but we do believe that all "indications" from the ultra-sound would suggest that LCMASDES is, in fact, quite a guy after all. If you wanted to be surprised as to the gender, you never should have come to a blog named like this one. (try and pay attention)

So, please drop by from time to time and see if two uber-tired brand new parents will actually find the time to post to a blog. You see, we certainly have the required excitement and pride in our child, and we certainly do have the utmost of best intentions, but cannot in good faith make any iron-clad, money back guarantee about the frequency of posts. If you are interested, please let us know if you'd like a "here's a new post" type of email, and we'll put you on a list to let you know when there's new pictures available of LCMASDES.


Anonymous said...

Your exxcitement is contagious! Glad to see that you guys are doing well - next thing you know Beppe will offer to help out with your nursery - and if she does offer - you'll be amazed at how organized you will be in record time!!!!
Have a great weekend.
Aunt Joyce

Anonymous said...

Hello to the three of you!

What a great idea Dave. Hope you find time to keep up with the momentum. I would love to hear about new postings - add me to your list for sure!

wow - my first blog!

Love you...